Food Ordering & Delivery Business Plan

II. Company Overview

2.1 Vision and Mission

To become a global brand by offering a wide range of food ordering and delivery services at affordable prices to a wide range of customers while focusing on their health and well-being.

To build a food ordering and delivery platform that meets the needs of its customers by offering freshly cooked homemade food delivered via reliable delivery executives.

2.2 Founder Information

[Company Name] is led by [Founder’s name], who is a renowned and licensed food nutritionist and caterer. He has over xx years of experience working in the food and confectionary business in both the public and private sectors. [Founder’s name] has a B.Sc. degree in Food Science Technology and an MBA with an extreme passion for healthy eating and catering. After analyzing his passion and interests, he decided to start his own food ordering and delivery business, as he wanted to earn by doing what he loved the most. 

2.3 Problem and Solutions

1. Penny-pinching orders – Customers are often charged fees in addition to the cost of the food when ordering through an online delivery service. These expenses may include a booking charge, fees for congested areas, and even a gratuity for the delivery driver.

Solution–The Company’s platform will provide affordable and cost-effective food ordering and delivery options to customers from the restaurants of their choice. They will also get exciting deals as well as discounts and cashback for ordering food for delivery.

2. Longer wait times – Ordering from online food delivery services is not always a quick experience. Longer online food delivery wait times are frequently ascribed to weather, how busy a restaurant is, traffic, and the intricacy of a customer's order. However, no one is ready to wait for an extra half an hour or so to get their food delivered.

Solution – In order to fill this market gap, the company will provide timely delivery of food orders received as it understands that hunger can create the nastiest emotions in humans. It will be a quick online food delivery service with a focus on providing the best food and the best dining experience.

2.4 Product and Services

The Company's primary service will be offering food ordering and delivery services for several categories of customers at affordable prices. The Company will be partnering with world-class restaurants to offer appetizing food orders. It will also provide nutritional information about the food to its customers so they can make informed choices about the type of food they want. The clients’ overall best interest will always come first, and everything the company does will be guided by its values and professional ethics. [Company Name] will ensure to hold itself accountable to the highest standards by meeting its client’s needs precisely and completely.

Strategic Business Plans