Nutrition And Wellness Business Plan

IV. Customer Analysis

4.1 Target Market

The Company will target the following groups or segments of potential customers:

  • Seniors as they have several health issues like diabetes, heart risk, etc.
  • Housewives/Working wives as they usually make family nutritional decisions.
  • Companies/Executives (25 to 60 years) lifestyle of working people is usually busy and full of stress, which also leads to eating fast food and unhealthy dining choices. By targeting companies/executives, the company will improve the health of the employees.
  • Sports individuals as they need guidance in their diet to maintain their bodies.


4.2 TAM, SAM, and SOM

TAM $xx trillion
The global market for nutrition and wellness to reach a market size after 5 years.

SAM $xx billion
[Target Location Market]’s nutrition and wellness market size after 5 years.

SOM $xx billion
[Company Name] would be able to capture a respectable share of the serviceable available market by the end of year 5. 

Strategic Business Plans