Ghost Kitchen Business Plan

IV. Customer Analysis

4.1 Target Market

[Company Name] is in a business to offer ghost kitchen services that will primarily cater to the following categories of people through its web-based and mobile application platform.

  • Entrepreneurs and new chefs – Ghost kitchens let entrepreneurs and new chefs launch lower-risk, lower-cost restaurant brands. They can try out their idea and gauge interest without the burdens of brick-and-mortar dining.
  • Restaurants seeking to expand offerings – With the increasing demand for food delivery, many existing restaurants are developing virtual off-premise kitchens to help streamline operations.
  • Food truck owners – Food truck owners often face space constraints and can't offer dine-in or in-person food service. It can be challenging for food truck cooks to meet the demand — which, in turn, can be frustrating for customers.

4.2 TAM, SAM, and SOM

TAM $xx trillion
The global market for ghost kitchens to reach a market size after 5 years.

SAM $xx billion
[Target Location Market] 's ghost kitchens market size after 5 years.

SOM $xx billion
[Company Name] would be able to capture a respectable share of the serviceable available market by the end of year 5. 

Strategic Business Plans