CRM Software Business Plan

II. Company Overview

2.1 Vision and Mission

To develop a structured and organized environment for the daily operations of the company.

To provide efficient and effective CRM software to automate sales and customer support operations.

2.2 Founder Information

[Founder’s name] is a visionary leader, technology change agent, innovative philanthropist, and trusted advisor. He is an MBA with a proven successful track record in the product marketing and customer support software industries in CIO, CTO, and CDO roles. He has both a strategic and hands-on approach to delivering incremental growth through fast iterative testing of innovative opportunities and broad scaling of successes. 

2.3 Problem and Solutions

1.Weak Customer Relationship – Most often, businesses fail to meet customer expectations in terms of response time, service quality, or overall customer experience, resulting in improved churn rate and decreased brand loyalty. .

Solution–CRM can be utilized by businesses to help manage relationships and interactions with their clients. By using the data gathered, the company can better tailor the products, marketing, and services to the client's needs. This will help strengthen the relationship with the customers and eventually improve profits.

2. Lead Mismanagement – Capturing and nurturing potential leads from multiple sources, qualifying them, and distributing them to sales reps is a difficult job. It requires multiple tasks, such as tracking and recording online and offline interactions, such as emails, ad clicks, website visits, and phone calls. Therefore, managing leads requires a lot of effort, time, and money.

Solution –The Company's CRM software will assist in gathering lead information from various sources, such as emails, phone calls, social media sites, and web forms. Additionally, it will keep tabs on how leads are doing as they move through the sales cycle and aid in choosing marketing campaigns for lead nurturing.

3. Inaccurate Sales Forecasting – Projecting sales figures and planning based on consumer demands and trends is crucial to maintaining short-term and long-term goals and performance. Poor planning can have far-reaching negative consequences on a business’s operations, growth, and reputation.

Solution –The Company's software will help estimate future sales or revenue based on present and past data trends and test different what-if scenarios to improve the predictability of the sales forecasting model. It will also assist in preparing data-driven hiring strategies, deciding on optimal inventory levels, and investing in new channels.

2.4 Product and Services

The Company will provide the following CRM software to Pharmaceutical Companies, FMCG Companies, Manufacturing Companies, and Financial Institutions.

Operational CRM Software –The Company will provide Operational CRM with a complete view of each customer’s interactions. These sales CRMs will use sales and marketing automation to save time and ensure no contacts or tasks fall through the cracks. The software will include features like contact management, lead scoring, sales team automation, and marketing automation.

Analytical CRM Software–The Company will provide Analytical CRM software, which will help gather, organize, and analyze customer and sales data to make informed business decisions. This data will include the average deal cycle, customer retention rates, monthly recurring revenue, and any other relevant information. The software would include the following features:

  • Data Mining
  • Cross-sell and upsell opportunity
  • Buyer persona building
  • Sales forecasting

Collaborative/Strategic CRM Software:– The Company will also offer Collaborative CRM that will help share customer information across teams. This includes internal and external stakeholders, such as other departments, suppliers, vendors, and distributors. It will focus more on customer service, customer satisfaction, and customer retention than on customer acquisition.

Strategic Business Plans