Metaverse Based Software Engines Business Plan

IV. Customer Analysis

4.1 Target Market

The Company will develop its metaverse–based search engine platform for multiple businesses according to their needs and demands. [Company Name] will primarily serve individuals and organizations that have a presence within the metaverse, including Gamers, Virtual Real Estate Developers, Virtual Event Organizers, Businesses, and Educators.

  • There are around 32.5 million small companies in the US, which make up 99.9% of all companies.
  • In 2022, the most extensive segment of gaming in the US was mobile gaming, with 48.3% of the population, equivalent to 162.9 million people, playing games on their smartphones.
  • In the US, there are now 21,139 large firms.
  • The anticipated US population in 2021 is 332 million.

4.2 TAM, SAM, and SOM

TAM $xx trillion
The global market for metaverse to reach a market size after 5 years

SAM $xx billion
[Target Location Market]'s metaverse market size after 5 years.

SOM $xx billion
[Company Name] would be able to capture a respectable share of the serviceable available market by the end of year 5.  

Strategic Business Plans